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Sacred Nest
Doula Care

Welcome! Congratulations on your upcoming journey. Please have a look around to decide if my services connect with what you and your growing family need. 

Why Include Doula Care in Your Pregnancy and Birth Plan? 

 “I wish I would have realized before how I would feel about that day. I would have fought harder for what I knew was best.” ​




                   “I just did what the doctor told me.” ​


“I wish I knew how to advocate better for myself.”

“I wish I would have spoken up more.” 




                      “I didn’t know how to tell them what I wanted, so I just let it happen.” 

“No one was listening to me and I didn't know how to make them listen."




These are the words I have heard from so many friends and loved ones after giving birth. Many women say they are disconnected from their birthing experience because they felt dismissed and disregarded during their pregnancy. No one should have this experience when bringing their child into this world, yet so many of us report these kinds of feelings. 

Having a doula means that you are not alone; you have a voice; you are confident in what you want.

About Me

I am grateful to provide my services as a doula to any parent or parents who want to be empowered, honored, and secure in their birthing experience. My work is about providing a few of the twigs that will be a part of the beautiful and sacred nest you create. Choosing to bring a child into the world is a gift and you have a right to experience that gift with your full autonomy at the forefront of every choice made during pregnancy and labor.

My previous career as an organizer of nurses' labor unions gave me a deep knowledge of hospital systems and healthcare infrastructures.  I know how confusing and disempowering it can be to navigate these systems, even when you are determined to put yourself first. I know what a difference it can make to have an advocate, a guiding hand along the way.

My highest priority is to offer my honest and educated service to the transformative experience that pregnancy and childbirth will be for you and your family.


What I Offer

As I gain experience as a new doula, I am offering my services well below the market rate, at $1000 for the whole package. As your doula, I am committed to provide with my whole heart...


Birth Planning

Support, information, and guidance in creating your birth plan.

Education and my informed perspective on practices that are best for actualizing your chosen birth plan.

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Pregnancy Support

Respect for the decisions you make about your body, birth plan, and medical issues that arise throughout your pregnancy and childbirth experience.

3 in person meetings before birth if agreement is reached prior to or at 30 weeks of pregnancy; 2 meetings if agreement is reached between 30 and 36 weeks of pregnancy; 1 meeting if agreement is reached at or after 36 weeks. If time allows, I will try to meet with you at least 3 times prior to the birth, no matter when the contract is signed.


Reliable Communication

Within 2 hours response to any call or text at or after 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Immediate response when labor commences

• Response within 24 hours to any call or text before 38 weeks.

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When the Baby Comes

 • My emotional and physical support for the entirety of your laboring experience, including massage and comfort measures specialized for childbirth

• Guidance, direction, and encouragement for other non-medical people on your support team


Post-Partum Support

One hour of my presence and/or support post-partum.
Two hour home visit within 4 weeks of childbirth, to support in whatever way you need


Extra Support

•  In-house meal planning services

• Astrological Birth Charts for baby and parents

•If interseted, extra cost is required for these services 

Schedule a connection

If your interested in scheduling an in-person 30 minute exploratory meeting, please fill out this form. There is no obligation, this is just an opportunity for you to feel out if we are a good fit. You can also call or text me directly at the number below. I will do my best to respond within 24 hours. 

(410) 205-6080

Thanks for your interest!

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